My passion for baking started from an early age and was influenced by a small brown folder of recipes that my mother kept in a kitchen drawer. It was Mum’s primary source of inspiration for family meals and celebrations and it bulged with an assortment of handwritten recipes along with others that were pasted from the pages of a magazine. To my young eyes, Mum’s recipe collection was both a source of anticipation for what might next appear on the family table and my earliest tutor in following a recipe.
From within the sacred space of mum’s kitchen the small brown folder also taught her grandchildren the art of making Little Cakes - the thick sweet batter was dropped precariously into paper pans by eager helpers, who were rewarded with a little of the mixture for their efforts.

Food that comforts, sustains, and nourishes us is always welcome. When I hand over a bake I often receive as reward a look of anticipation … followed by delight when some of its delicious aroma escapes from the box; and I know I’ve achieved my mission. I have worked extensively in the area of family wellbeing and coupled with my own lived experience, I understand family life very well, especially the juggle of preparing the evening meal - so the idea of the ‘helpful meal’ was created to make life easier.

My celebration bakes are also created to make gathering with loved ones effortless and a true reflection of your occasion. A delicious cake or a savoury tart are just a few options that will make your celebration special.
When you ask me to bake for a special occasion I invest creativity and vision to create something that will reflect your occasion and honour those who are part of its story. It is a privilege to be part of your celebration and bring the flavour of home to your table.